About YDC

The Youth Development Collaborative brings together agencies and individuals serving and advocating for youth to network, stay informed of current community services and programs, and connect positive opportunities for young people.

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Goal of the Youth Development Collaborative

Create pathways to connect middle- and high-school aged youth to education, career opportunities, resources, and programs that are primarily designed to enhance their:

  • Power Skills (a.k.a. Soft Skills)
    • Ability to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.
    • Ability to communicate with others in a variety of ways including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual.
    • Ability to contribute to their group and share responsibilities.
  • Technical Skills
    • Ability or knowledge needed to do practical tasks in the areas of science, the arts, technology, engineering, math, and others.

YDC Strategies

  1. Create a Community Networking group that collaborates to build youth programs and improve program outreach to youth.
  2. Develop a website resource database for high school counselors to use to refer youth to programming.
    • The programs and activities listed on the website will be those that align with the Youth Development Collaborative’s goal.

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Sioux Falls Thrive was created as the community cradle-to-career workforce development initiative in 2017 by a group of local leaders. Today, Thrive is identified as a proven collaborator in finding sustainable solutions that ensure Sioux Falls children succeed. As a volunteer-based organization, Thrive harnesses the power of Collective Impact by bringing existing community resources together to work collaboratively. The goal is to kickstart action-based solutions to the issues that inhibit student success, particularly in the areas of food security, affordable housing and out-of-school time. Thrive facilitates the work of collaborative teams and encourages these community leaders to think innovatively to solve the issues that they are so passionate about.

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